Assertive Communication:
This is a communication style in which a person stands up for their own needs and wants while considering the needs and wants of others, without behaving passively or aggressively.
Assertiveness Tips:
Respect yourself. Your needs, wants, and rights are as important as anyone else's. It's fine to express what you want so long as you are respectful toward the rights of others.
Express your thoughts and feelings calmly. Giving the silent treatment, yelling, threatening, and shaming are all examples of what NOT to do. Take responsibility for your emotions and express them calmly and truthfully. Try starting sentences with "I feel...."
Plan what you are going to say. Know your wants and needs and how you can express them before entering a conversation. Come up with specific sentences and words you can use.
Say "no" when you need to. You can't make everyone happy all the time. When you need to say "no", do so clearly and truthfully. Offer to help find another solution.
Traits of Assertive Communicators:
Clearly state needs and wants.
Eye contact.
Appropriate speaking volume.
Steady tone of voice.
Confident body language.
Listens to others without interruption.